When installing a dishwasher from fresh, you need to consider where the water is going and how to install a waste pipe to the dishwasher, with that being said if you are just replacing a dishwasher you don't need to worry about that.
There are simple steps for how do you install a dishwasher that is like for like first you need to connect the water inlet hose to a dishwasher isolation valve and then connect the waste outlet hose to a standpipe waste pipe or a spigot on the kitchen sink waste trap
As a plumber myself I will do my best to help you install your dishwasher regardless whether it's a replacement or a fresh install
I will go through the steps in more detail including all the parts you will need to fresh install a dishwasher in a new location with a standpipe and by changing the waste trap under the kitchen sink to a commentate the new dishwasher.
Table of Contents
Do You Need To Be A Plumber To Install A Dishwasher
Someone who is not a confident DIYer should never take on tasks that could cause damage to your property; however, you don't need to be a plumber to install a dishwasher.
A dishwasher is one of the most straightforward water-based appliances to install when you are just replacing a like for like dishwasher as there is only two parts water inlet and waste out.
When installing a dishwasher into a new location or don't have a dishwasher, but you would like one, then installing a dishwasher will include a small amount of plumbing; therefore, it can be a much trickier task.
How To Install A Replacement Dishwasher
Once you have unwrapped your new dishwasher, open the door, and you will find instructions as well as some other bits.
When replacing a dishwasher, you will need to find the dishwasher isolation valve to turn off the water before removing the old dishwasher.
There are just three steps to installing a dishwasher; these are:
1. Connect the water supply to the dishwasher isolation valve
2. Connect the Waste outlet to the waste pipe
3. Adjust feet to level machine
Step One - at the bottom of the dishwasher you will find a hose usually it's a thin black hose, you will need to connect this to a dishwasher valve
Inside the threaded end, you should be a flat washer, and if you find it doesn't, you will need to look inside the pack inside the dishwasher.
When tightening up the water hose don't use the grips of spanners to tighten as they should be only hand tight
Step Two – There are two types of installations for the waste outlet theses are:
- Standpipe
- Waste trap with double spigot
Standpipe Installation - If you have a standpipe you will need to connect the grey horseshoe to the grey waste pipe and push the waste outlet into the top of the standpipe
Waste Spigot Installation – If your dishwasher is next to or under your kitchen, you will most likely have a waste trap with a spigot that you can push the waste pipe onto, push the grey rubber end onto the spigot and tighten up with a jubilee clip.
When installing the waste pipe onto a spigot, you will not need to install the grey horseshoe to the waste pipe.
Step Three – The dishwasher needs to be level to work better, allowing the machine's mechanisms to spin, so now you need to level the dishwasher by adjusting the feet.
To adjust the feet on a dishwasher, you will need to use a thin spanner and turn the feet to the clockwise to lift the dishwasher or the anti-clockwise to lower the dishwasher
If you have an integrated dishwasher you might be asking, do integrated dishwashers have adjustable feet?
You can adjust integrated dishwasher feet using a thin spanner and a screwdriver, first using a thin spanner, adjust the front feet turning the spanner clockwise to lift the dishwasher the back feet flat screwdriver in the adjusting screws on the front of the dishwasher in the middle.
If you have an integrated dishwasher, you will have an extra step, which is to install the door.
Integrated Dishwasher Step Four – All dishwashers have different door installations however the essential part is to go through the installation sheet inside the pack inside the dishwasher
The installation sheet in most cases also acts as a template for the door, so you know where to drill the holes to fit the door supports and hangers.
That's all done, if you are installing your dishwasher in another location or if you don't have a dishwasher, keep reading and help guide you through how to install a dishwasher for the first time.
How Do You Install A Dishwasher For The First Time
When installing a dishwasher for the first time, you need to consider where to install the dishwasher, as the most commonplace is under or near a kitchen sink due to the water supply and waste outlet.
If you decide the best place for your dishwasher is not next to the kitchen sink, then you need to make sure you can get the waste outlet to a waste pipe whether that means installing a new waste pipe to the dishwasher or extending the waste outlet using a hose extension and connectors and extending the water inlet with a water hose and connection
If extending the waste and water hoses is not an option, then you will need to install a new water supply and waste pipe to the dishwasher.
I would recommend where possible always connecting the waste outlet from a dishwasher to a trap under the kitchen; this is because if the dishwasher gets blocked, the water will come back up into the kitchen sink. In contrast, with a standpipe, the water will overflow out of the standpipe and onto the floor.
What Plumbing Do You Need For A Dishwasher
There is only a couple of things you will need to plumb in a dishwasher one being a dishwasher isolation valve and the other a standpipe or waste trap with a spigot otherwise known as a washing machine trap
Other than a couple of bits you may also need some copper tube and copper fittings and some 1 ½ waste pipe and waste fittings.
I would also recommend using copper soldier or compression fittings over push-fit fittings such as JG speed fit.
How Do You Run Plumbing For A Dishwasher
When running pipework to a dishwasher you should make sure to use 1 ½ waste pipe, it must have only a couple of bends and therefore is as straight as possible to the main waste pipe and has a fall of 18 degrees per meter and should be clipped every meter.
The copper waste pipe can be run however you like as when installing an appliance that is connected to main water, getting the plumbing there is never the problem it's the waste that causes the most amount of problems.
Do You Plumb Hot Or Cold To A Dishwasher
Like all kitchen appliances, you should never plumb them into the hot water supply as they have a heating element, connecting them to the hot water supply can damage the dishwasher over time; therefore, always connect a dishwasher to the cold mains water supply.
If you have not purchased a dishwasher yet, why not check out my full dishwashers buyers guide to help you decide what type of dishwasher to buy if you are unsure what dishwasher would be best for your needs then check out my guide on What’s The Difference Between A Slimline And A Full-Size Dishwasher